Taginterest rate

TWiRP – August 1, 2015

This week in rental property, mortgage rates fell below 4% after the Federal Reserve signaled to increase interest rates this year. CNBC cited the expected effects of the Fed’s rate hike. Once again, U.S. home rental prices rose in June with the homeownership rate down to the lowest level in 48 years. According to a study, Airbnb is making even harder to find apartments in New York City...

TWiRP- May 23, 2015

This week in rental property, mortgage rates for 30-year fixed mortgages declined this week in the midst of a climbing trend. Forbes.com article talks why the interest rates are on the rise. Even though the interest rates are pointing upwards, Forbes.com gives a deep analysis on 5 reasons why U.S. real estate market should continue to recover. Next, Auction.com Research Report announces...