
Single and MultiFamily Rental Markets Looking Good

According to Jones Lang LaSalle, or JLL, sales volumes on multifamily housing in the United States shot up about 47% from the months of July to September after a dragging second quarter. Sales volumes on multifamily housing hit about 25 billion dollars during that time. Researchers cite the housing hangover, population growth in the empty nesters and Echo Boomers, and the rise in households...

The Mortgage Finance Act of 2011, Counterproductive to Housing Reform

Mortgage Finance Act of 2011 – legislation submitted by Sen. Johnny Isakson with little chance of passing congressional scrutiny; the act is, unfortunately, an example of political showmanship, appealing to public opinion on a critical policy issue. Furthermore, the Act clutters the congressional to-do list, regarding housing reform.
Make waves and the voters will take notice?