Email Delivery and Recurring Late Fees

deliver_emailWe’re happy to announce the latest update to the RentPost system.  Just this past week we’ve been pushing out a series of releases around two different systems.  The first is our email system.  We’ve made some infrastructure improvements to how email is handled and delivered through RentPost.  Our hope is that this will continue to increase our deliverability rate.  We understand when emails are sent from RentPost, you expect reliable delivery, and this is why we’ve continued to improve our email infrastructure.

Also we’ve modified how recurring late fees are added to the ledger for tenants.  In the past, when you had a recurring late fee schedule setup, RentPost would add, each day matching the schedule, a new late fee charge to the tenant ledger.  This has been improved to now increase the amount of the latest late fee existing on the ledger.  So, as each day that matches your late fee schedule where a charge is to be added, RentPost will now add the fee to the last existing late fee on the tenant’s account.  If you wish, you can actually adjust the amount of that late fee at any time and RentPost will simply add to it again based on the schedule.  If you wish to add a late fee that won’t be modified by the system baed on the late fee schedule, just give it a unique name.

About the author

Jacob Thomason

Co-founder & CEO @ RentPost, entrepreneur, real estate obsessed, engineer, blockchain enthusiast, extreme sports lover, traveler, fitness centered, intellectual and conceptual conversationalist.

By Jacob Thomason