Hello again! It’s a new week and of course there’s more news in rental property! If this is your first time checking out This Week In Rental Property (TWiRP), the weekly segment that brings you the newest articles in rental property from around the web, then check out last week’s news here.
So, what’s new this week in the rental property world? We’ve tracked down useful articles from all over the web that we found interesting and compiled them together for your viewing pleasure. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have. Happy TWiRPing!
- To go along with the article last week, where San Jose Mercury News noticed an increase in the Bay area rent prices, Businessweek also noticed an upward trend of rental values resulting in a rent affordability crisis:
- With many articles talking of the rising prices of rent, Economictimes seeks to help property managers maintain the value of their units with some tips on how to enhance the rental price of your property:
- Even landlords are shocked by the raises in rent, according to Seattle Times in their article on the landlord perspective of rent hikes. Many think rent stabilization will become a big political issue in 2015 and 2016:
- Property Management Insider shows their top pest prevention tips for the precautious property manager or landlord. Grab a look below, it could save you a lot of trouble in the future:
- Are you looking to get in the rental property business in New York City? Check out what $2400 can rent you today! Which unit would you choose?: