We have printable receipts! High on the feature request list from many managers has been the need to print a receipt when accepting a payment in the office, as opposed to writing one out by hand. We of course agree… no one wants to write out receipts by hand. So, I am pleased to announce that in our lastest release, we’ve just launched this feature.
Printing receipts is very simple too, and can be done a couple ways…
You can go back and print any receipt in the system at any time by going to your “Receivables > receipts” page, selecting the receipt you’d like to print, then clicking the print action. This will open a print dialog where you can send the receipt to the printer.
Alternatively, and probably more conveniently, you can print a receipt by clicking “Save & Print Receipt” when recording a payment. This will record the payment, then give you a link to open and print the receipt instantly. It’s very quick and efficient. Please note that if you use the receivables system for recording payments, you’ll want to click the detail icon inside of the input to launch the record payment window.
We’d love any feedback you might have regarding the new printable receipts, good or bad! Just let us know.
This release also comes with quite a few other bug fixes and improvements that are a bit more behind the scenes, but resolve some possible issues anyone may have been having.
As always, keep the feature requests flowing in! You can add and vote on other feature requests by viewing the feature requests section of the forums.
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[…]Install the Print Cartridge and queue the Printer Paper! | RentPost Blog[…]…