Version 0.9.3 Live – Advanced Payment Mods

We’ve just launched the latest release of the RentPost software, version 0.9.3.  Along with this release comes some serious stability with our core, adjustment options for previous payments with automatic late fee calculation based on our custom late fee scheduling system.  Payments can now be made on future rental months.

As we release this version we are nearing our public release.  If you signed up for a beta invite and haven’t already received it, you should be getting it very soon.  We look forward to welcoming you to RentPost.  Remember, all beta invite users will receive RentPost free of charge for the life of their account.  Very soon, that will not be the case, so take advantage of this offer now!

About the author

Jacob Thomason

Co-founder & CEO @ RentPost, entrepreneur, real estate obsessed, engineer, blockchain enthusiast, extreme sports lover, traveler, fitness centered, intellectual and conceptual conversationalist.

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By Jacob Thomason