AuthorJacob Thomason

Co-founder & CEO @ RentPost, entrepreneur, real estate obsessed, engineer, blockchain enthusiast, extreme sports lover, traveler, fitness centered, intellectual and conceptual conversationalist.

Keep up with the Latest RentPost News

Over the past month, we’ve pushed out a series of updates, important things that have been requested and needed for the continual progression of any great software product.  We released 2 big features, and series of more fine tuned updates, like the way we handle end of lease system automated services, our settings system and owner distribution controls.  These are all great things that...

Print all your Tenant Statements at Once!

The first of the month is starting to roll around and you want to send out tenant statements.  Instead of printing statements off one by one, we’ve added a new mass statement report/printing feature.  This is also a really quick way to get a single tenant statement if you wish.

To get started, just go to your Reports and then “Tenant Statements”.  Thanks and enjoy!

Get Organized… Start Tagging your Units

Get organized and start tagging your units.  Do you need to know which units to perform gutter checks on in the fall?  Need to know which units need gas line checks?  Or do you just need to know which units have certain bills to be paid?  Regardless of the reasons you might have, tagging can be a very powerful way to organize your units. To get started, just log into your account, edit an...

Filtering your Expenses

We’ve pushed out more updates!  This time, the updates include a lot of fixes and performance enhancements.  Along with these though, we’ve also pushed out the ability to filter down your expenses (Payables > receipts) based on the respective GL Account.  So, if you’re looking to find out how much you’ve spent on this or that, filter it down, export it out however you...

Print your Tenant Statements!

You guys have been asking for it and we’re delivering.  We’ve just released the latest version of the RentPost application which includes tenant statements, some upgrades to the owner statements and some fixes and updates.  The owner statements can easily be accessed from the tenant’s action tab. You can of course access the tenant statements from the tenant profile anywhere...

Transfer your Tenants!

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve just rolled out a new update to the RentPost application featuring the ability to transfer your tenant accounts from one unit to another.  In addition to this new feature, this release includes a lot of fixes and improvements throughout.


As always, we love hearing your feedback and suggestions for new features as we continue simplifying rent.

Customize your Maintenance Workflow for Your Company

It’s update time folks and we have some really exciting updates for you.  We’ve overhauled our work order backend to support custom work order workflows, work order assignments to vendors and colleagues, custom questions for adding a work order, assignable to just tenants or everyone and much more!  We also have some exciting add-ons we’re working to release along side this new...

The US Rental Market – Why Renting is a WIN-WIN.

So, you’ve rented, and maybe you’ve already owned a home, but, you’re back on the renting side.  Somewhere, deep down, you’re questioning the economics of this decision and trying to determine if you should make the plunge to become a homeowner.  After all, isn’t that the American dream? Not according to the census data, which has been continuing a trend towards...

Install the Print Cartridge and queue the Printer Paper!

We have printable receipts! High on the feature request list from many managers has been the need to print a receipt when accepting a payment in the office, as opposed to writing one out by hand. We of course agree… no one wants to write out receipts by hand. So, I am pleased to announce that in our lastest release, we’ve just launched this feature. Printing receipts is very simple...

USPS Mail Delays = Online Rent Collection

So, I’m sure by now you’ve heard the news that the United States Post Office will be changing their delivery schedule for first class mail. See the USPS press release here. For managers and landlords who are currently getting many of their rent checks via snail mail, this is terrible news. On average, it is said that standard first class mail will be delayed by 1-2 days, depending on...