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The US Rental Market – Why Renting is a WIN-WIN.

So, you’ve rented, and maybe you’ve already owned a home, but, you’re back on the renting side.  Somewhere, deep down, you’re questioning the economics of this decision and trying to determine if you should make the plunge to become a homeowner.  After all, isn’t that the American dream? Not according to the census data, which has been continuing a trend towards...

Install the Print Cartridge and queue the Printer Paper!

We have printable receipts! High on the feature request list from many managers has been the need to print a receipt when accepting a payment in the office, as opposed to writing one out by hand. We of course agree… no one wants to write out receipts by hand. So, I am pleased to announce that in our lastest release, we’ve just launched this feature. Printing receipts is very simple...

USPS Mail Delays = Online Rent Collection

So, I’m sure by now you’ve heard the news that the United States Post Office will be changing their delivery schedule for first class mail. See the USPS press release here. For managers and landlords who are currently getting many of their rent checks via snail mail, this is terrible news. On average, it is said that standard first class mail will be delayed by 1-2 days, depending on...

Bank Fees Rise, Patrons “Unionize…”

The other day I caught a news segment on the newest outrage facing American [and many International] consumers: banking institutions’ plans to increadse service fees (some of which have been free services until now…).  This includes, but is not limited to: elimination of “free” checking accounts, increased fees for overdrafting, bad checks, increased ATM fees, and even requirements to maintain a...

Curb Your Capitalism… The Federal Open Market Calamity and dis-Interest Rates

As short-term political motivation sullies the sanctity of central banking, presumptuous open market meddling, unrestrained by the boundaries of logic, makes a ticking time bomb of Federal Funds. It’s time we meditate on circumstance, accounting for the rational and the hardly so. Let’s see: inflation without spending? A stagnant, yet expanded money supply? At what point did capitalism become so...

Our Tribute to Steve… in RentPost Fashion

Hearing about the death of Steve Jobs was a very difficult pill to swallow. Sure, we all knew it was imminent, he had been dealing with pancreatic cancer for quite some time. But, somehow, the realization that it had happened was shocking, even still. Steve had an amazing knack for building world changing products, and we, at RentPost, share in that passion. So, as our tribute to Steve and...

Fair Housing Act: Be careful. Watch what you say.

Providing housing for every man, woman, and child is the social and humanitarian goal, and thus, a government concern. Consider the following: [Government involvement = Regulation] and [Regulation = Risk for PM]; thus, according to the Transitive Property of…Property Management…Gov’t involvement equals risk to property managers. The Fair Housing Act protects the rights of those seeking homes, and...

Innovation Accelerates: Tech…nergy?

I was just speaking with a property manager, and somehow we ended up having a lengthy discussion about the seemingly accelerated effect that technology has on business and life in general.  Before dismissing this as “duh," (for lack of a better term)…[re]consider a few specific words I included in this otherwise over-generalized statement: “…accelerated effect that technology has on business..."...

Did someone say they wanted an owner portal?

Or maybe printable deposit slips? Yea, we heard you, loud and clear, so we built them and of course it’s included in all our plans on RentPost.  We’re not charging any extra for these features, so enjoy.  We’ve also managed to work in quite a few other improvements and fixes since the last release.  In fact, we even pushed out some of these improvements over this period without...

How Should I Invest my cash? Advice on Condo Investments and More

Today we field a great question from one of our RentPosters in California. It’s a great opportunity to discuss the ins and outs of condo investments, the current real estate market, and the future of the U.S. economy. Read closely, you will not want to miss this one, as we review the economic forecast for the coming decade. “J” from California writes: Tony,  I am a very...