Month-to-Month & End-of-Lease Management | RentPost Blog

Month-to-Month & End-of-Lease Management

Hot on the heals of our notice the other day about staying up on the latest with RentPost updates, comes an update with which you’ll want to pay close attention.  We’ve updated the way that end of leases are handled by default within RentPost.  Traditionally, it’s common that upon the expiration of a lease, the lease continues on a month-to-month basis.  In fact, this is a law in many states, and for good reason with respect to tenant rights.  However, this presents an inherent issues in terms of software functionality.

Managers should remember, keeping lease terms up to date within RentPost will ensure the most expected results when it comes to tenant’s charges and payments.  However, keeping these up to date isn’t always done by all managers and the results can be unexpected and sometimes unwanted.  Therefore, last month, we adjusted RentPost’s handling of tenants past the end of their lease.  With this change, we’re no longer automatically posting charges to tenant accounts and/or processing AutoPay.

Today, we’re introducing a new option available with lease tracking; the ability to enable default month-to-month functionality on expired leases.  With this functionality, you’ll get the same behaviors you’d expect with tenants within their lease period.  This means, if the lease terms are up for a tenant, and the month-to-month option is enabled, charges will still be posted to tenant accounts and AutoPay will be processed as well.

This new option can be enabled/disabled by default for all tenants within your settings.  Additionally, you can override this setting on a per tenant basis.  In order to override for each tenant, you can edit the tenant record or choose to “modify lease” from the tenant actions panel.  As always, let us know if you need any assistance.

About the author

Jacob Thomason

Co-founder & CEO @ RentPost, entrepreneur, real estate obsessed, engineer, blockchain enthusiast, extreme sports lover, traveler, fitness centered, intellectual and conceptual conversationalist.

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By Jacob Thomason