A RentPost Story

Jim Flannery of Four Athens dives into his experiences with rent collection for commercial office space.

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I’m the project director for Four Athens. In this capacity I provide information, guidance and assistance with business strategy and financial planning. I also assist Four Athens members in finding sources of funding while progressing through their respective startup phases.

RentPost has saved us so many hours, alleviated so much frustration...

Four Athens began in 2011 and by 2012; we were working with close to 50 startup businesses at various stages of development, each with their own unique lease arrangements. With so many businesses under one roof, there was bound to be logistical issues. Big challenges occurred during our move into a new space. It took anywhere between 15-20 hours a month just to handle rent collection, calculate late fees, and maintain our records. Keeping track of so many leases manually within spreadsheets slowed us down significantly and I knew we needed to rethink our management style. I went shopping for an online property management program.

I tried several other online property management programs, including Buildium and Sitelink; however, they all lacked the intuitiveness we desired. As a burgeoning tech hub, a clunky program can’t limit us. We needed something that was not only lightweight and easy to learn, but able to evolve with us as we continue to grow.

After migrating to RentPost, the hours we spent collecting rent took a nosedive. Gone were the unwieldy spreadsheets, the awkward phone calls, manually sending emails, and multiple visits to offices asking for money. The automated Rentpost notifications have enabled us to focus on helping new companies build their businesses rather than losing hours worrying about the minutia of managing leases. RentPost has saved us so many hours, alleviated so much frustration, and helped us provide a much less intrusive rental experience for the companies in our incubator. Thanks to RentPost, we focus less on property management, and more on our goal of making Athens, GA the next great technology startup hub.

Jim Flannery

Project Director

Four Athens